Pisco is an unaged grape distillate produced with “Criolla” grapes, grapes brought to the Americas 500 years ago that have naturalized to the local environments. Pisco must be single-distilled from fresh wines and is never aged. The Denomination of Origin (DO) for Peru’s pisco starts at 0 meters above sea level and goes up to 2,000 meters along Peru’s southern coast, it is one of the most vertical DOs in the world giving way to a still unstudied diversity in terroir.
I had the pleasure of photographing for Piscologia in Peru, documenting their master distiller, Nati who makes the best Pisco on the market (in my opinion). Nati’s distillery is located in Azpitia, Peru which is an oasis of green among the barren mountains. Piscologia is an all woman owned company dedicated to making the highest quality pisco and educating about the diversity of the spirit.